Monday, February 9, 2009

The IM Cessation: Not as easy as you think....

I'm attempting to cut down e-communication to a minimum. We've had a series of very short one sentence messages to each other....hopefully this will leave me something to talk to him about when I get home today. I normally pour my thoughts out in that little window in my chat bar. Do I feel better saying them as I would face to face? Absolutely not. There is barely any fulfillment from IM ranting or chatting....and if I spent all day chatting with my husband online, I don't want to talk when we get home! Then it's day in day out wake up go to work come home cook dinner go to bed and start all over again!

So lets see how long I can hold out...and if I actually feel like talking when I get home which would be new for me.


Kathy Ray February 10, 2009 at 8:05 AM  

Greetings Loo..
Love the blog, great look and fantastic idea. Cool Banner Design, super neet font!

Looking forward to more creative articles from your smart mind. You are such an inspiration!! Truly...Hugs to you both! Kathy

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