It's been too long
I created this blog after loads of sleepless nights and frustrations surrounding our financial status at the conception of this blog.
I jotted down tons of ideas, witty posts, and I let it die. I'm sorry about that.
A little update on us. We're not so broke anymore and that's a good thing. Of course, the bad thing is I've let 'broke in love' slide. But really down in the bottom of my heart, being responsible with money and our future is paramount in my mind.
So why should this blog die? So my lovely few remaining readers, it's not going to! There will be no pigenholing here. No 'sorry you're not broke enough to be commentating on this'. Forget it!
This will be what it was meant to be. A place for people to share ways to live life, have fun, share tips and tricks for living a cost effective life.
As I sit here drinking my diet tonic and Bombay Sapphire I got at Duty Free on my last cross atlantic reminds me how far we have come (hi we have a SECOND CAR!!!!) and how far we have to go!
More on the car. It's a used, 2006 VW Jetta 2.5 sport edition. It's hot. My husband is in LOVE with this car. Seriously. I think our marriage has improved leaps and bounds in the purchase of a car with 32K on it. We both now have our independance (I use the CX7 when I need to a few times a week to park at the station-but hate paying the 4.00 a day!- but it lets me get on with MY life too!) I had my first real taste of freedom this weekend when out with friends, I was out almost the whole day with neary a word about 'Where I was' because HE HAD A CAR TOO!!!!!!!
It's heaven. And our payment, since we put a decent chunk down, is a little over 200.00. Used cars, the right used cars, rock. Let's hope ours stays that way! :)
Awesome! Sounds like a cool car. Glad to "see" you.
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